Friday, 30 September 2011

- Wedding in Fetcham

DORIS Designs petticoats
 were asked to loan out our skirts for a stunning photoshoot in Fetcham. The pictures were fabulously stunning and really helped to showcase DORIS skirts for brides and bridesmaids. The shoot was styled by Amy Plank, who is just amazing. She has a eye for what will look unique and perfect and her ideas just keep on rolling. Amy is yet to progress her career as a stylist, but she has done so many stunning shoots and styled lots of brides that we are trying to encourage her to take her career in this direction. 

Monday, 1 August 2011

Vintage at Southbank

My lovely Lee-Anne helping out on to he DORIS stall 

DORIS Designs petticoats launched at Vintage at Southbank in July.We had a fantastic time, and met some truly amazing people; both customers and other stall holders. I had only given birth a few weeks before to my baby boy, Albert. My husband travelled up from Surrey each day, so I could have a few cuddles with him; That's Albert, not my husband ;o). 

The event was amazing and I probably spent more time shopping than selling. My lovely best friend, Lee-Anne helped out, as she always does. She is my bestie, babysitter, model, sales assistant and baby advice line. By profession she is a nurse, so pretty much an all rounder that gives up an awful lot of time to help me and many others out. I just hope one day I can repay her, but she never ever asks for anything in return.

We're looking forward to exhibiting at Vintage Nation (Brighton) on 9th June 2012 and the Vintage Festival (Northampton) from 13th-15th July, 2012.

Saturday, 30 April 2011

- Sexy Kel & Dan

Very beautiful real life husband and wife...

DORIS Designs petticoats
 first pictures since we set up the business were focused on four themes; boudoir shoot, festival shoot, vintage shoot and kids shoot. 

The boudoir shoot was modelled by real life husband and wife, Kelly and Dan Faschoni. Just as beautiful are their two kids Kia and Dylan, who will be models in our future Mother's Day shoot. Since this shoot Dan was approached by a modelling agency, but he chose to focus on his family and own trade business over fame and fortune...awhhh!